If You Love A Lot of People

I always say if you love a lot of people, there’s going to be a lot of drama.

[Tweet “I always say if you love a lot of people, there’s going to be a lot of drama.”]

Or, maybe that’s me just rationalizing the often chaotic life that seems to be mine.

I thought you might like to see my to-do list for the next few days as, once again, I am evoking the self-care amendment in my contract (there’s no contract, I made that up) and taking a knee this month. I can’t write an essay, but I can tell you what’s going on.


  1. Visit ex-husband in the hospital day 16 out of 16. He’s very ill. I’m very tired of losing my car in the parking ramp. I fed him a ginger candy for nausea, and he threw it up. Did I tell you I used to be a nurse? I was. He is slowly getting on his feet, despite my efforts to help.
  2. Mamogram – why the rush? There’s no rush, but I can’t take another reminder from my clinic.
  3. Dentist – I’m thinking it’s not going to be a love connection. They reminded me to floss over the phone, and I can’t help but feel targeted.
  4. Record a few podcasts answering questions people ask about health and stress – which I think we can all see the irony in this one.
  5. Finish my book. Falling in Love Is the Easy Part. I should have called this book. Writing This Book Is the Hard Part, but my job in life is to make things look easy and stress-free HAHAHA
  6. Make arrangements to get my child to London for grad school by mid-September. Oh yeah. Just that.
  7. Get peanut and self to the groomers. Don’t you wish it was all in the same building? Let’s push for that in the next presidential election.
  8. Say hello to you all and tell you about the new Poppy books.
  9. Continue to nap (this is a to-do for all of us).
  10. xo Ann

Part two is here: https://wp.me/p7XeA8-K8



  1. Laurie Skoviak on September 30, 2021 at 4:49 pm

    Haha Ann. Thank you for making me laugh. The grooming idea is an excellent one. Bo and I are on the same schedule. Cheers!

    • Ann Garvin on September 30, 2021 at 9:00 pm

      I’m so glad you are laughing…keep it up, love.

  2. Victoria on October 4, 2021 at 6:02 pm

    I just love your stories….you are just what I needed today, laughing!
    Thank you…

    • Ann Garvin on October 28, 2021 at 3:08 pm

      This comment is just what I needed today.

    • Ann Garvin on November 1, 2021 at 6:59 pm

      Thank you — turns out I need this today too.

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