I Almost Didn’t Write
I almost didn’t write this month. Here’s why.
- I might be a little burned out. No. I am burned out. Singed and toasted, as it were.
- A man is living in my basement, and I used to be married to him. I know he’s there. He didn’t sneak in. I opened the door. Click here for the beginning of this story.
Let’s unpack these things in case there’s something for you here. I think there might be.
Let’s start with number two, so you can understand number one.
My former husband has had a really tough year medically. He recently had MRSA and spent forty-eight days in the hospital. He was wobbly after discharge, and so instead of sending him home, I moved him into a nice little room I have in my basement. Why? Because I care about him and he’s my daughters’ father, he is a good person having a hard time, and because I am a nurse (at heart) and have skills. Are we getting back together? No. Is this easy? Also, No.
All of you are doing similar things in your life. I’m not uniquely stressed or burned out.
And, that takes us to number one.
It’s an interesting time because everywhere you look, people are extolling the benefits of self-care. Get a massage! Do something fun! Get a manicure!
Look, I don’t want to be a bummer, but those recommendations seem like another to-do list to me. So here’s what I think is the absolute best self-care available if done before a massage, fun. or a manicure, and will have a real impact. A. Sleep, Eat, Move, See a therapist. Oh yes, and don’t open your door when my ex-husband knocks. He eats a lot.
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This is why I almost didn’t write.
Why did I send this email to you? Because writing to you is part of my self-care.
P.S. The most popular blog post at my site this month:
Sending you virtual hugs.